Emmett Madden featured in Philadelphia Magazine

Posted on May 24th, 2017

ThePhillyLawyers and the Law Offices of R. Emmett Madden Esquire are pleased to announce that after a precedent setting year of successes, both in the personal injury and criminal defense courts, we have once again received the honor of being named a Philadelphia Super Lawyer. As featured in the most recent Philadelphia Magazine issue (June, 2017) and in Super Lawyers Magazine, we continue with record-breaking verdicts for those injured in major catastrophes, including building collapses, and serious truck, car, and motorcycle accidents. This includes our victory representing the lead witness and Plaintiff in the largest civil settlement in Philadelphia history, $227 million dollars. Read here and here.

Emmett Madden with Philadelphia skyline

In the field of criminal defense, we have obtained numerous not guilty verdicts for clients wrongly accused of rape, indecent deviant sexual intercourse, burglary, robbery, and other charges—which only after a full trial were our clients exonerated.

We are honored to receive this award once again and look forward to continuing serving those most in need.




Salvation army building collapse—largest settlement in Pennsylvania’s history

Posted on February 12th, 2017

Helping our clients through tragedy

On June 5, 2013 Felicia Hill went to work at the Salvation Army retail store in Philadelphia. Despite expressing concerns in the days and weeks before about the demolition occurring in the adjacent building—about the noise, dust coming off the walls, bricks falling on the roof—Ms. Hill had no choice but to come to work. She had a large family to support and bills to pay.

The building being demolished was part of several buildings owned by Richard Basciano who was tearing them down to make apartments. He had hired a cheap demolition company that had little regard for safety and procedure. (more…)

Emmett Madden – top rated criminal defense attorney by NACDA

Posted on November 29th, 2016

Just in! The National Academy of Criminal Defense Law (NACDA) website just announced that this week Emmett Madden is one of their featured attorneys.

You can visit the site here.

Emmett Madden is rated by NACDA as one of the top ten criminal defense attorneys in Pennsylvania. Per NACDA, regarding their top ten list: “The very few attorneys (less than 1%) that are good enough to make our list have demonstrated an extraordinary amount of knowledge, skill, experience, expertise and success in their practice of criminal defense.”

Protecting your right to a speedy trial

Posted on June 29th, 2016

Recently a client from California was charged with a very serious crime. Over a decade ago, he left his girlfriend to live with family in California. Since that time, he had been living and working with little or no contact with his ex-girlfriend. Unbeknownst to him and shortly after moving away, his girlfriend’s daughter made serious sexual allegations against him. Aside from taking a police report and issuing a warrant, the local police department did nothing to try and find him. They never followed up with the family or the child. They did not look for any leads as to my client’s whereabouts or made any effort to locate him.

By the time he was arrested, much of the evidence that could have exonerated him had been destroyed. The child’s medical records no longer existed as her clinic closed. Her school had also closed and those records no longer existed. The place where she received counseling had been shut and those records were destroyed. Even the Children and Youth investigation records and police records had been destroyed due to closures over the last 10 years. My client was in a very difficult position of facing a trial where it was his word against his accuser. All the evidence that could have been used to exonerate him had been destroyed. Through no fault of his own, the evidence that could clear his name was gone. Ten years had passed and the police had done nothing. (more…)

Bicycling accidents: when police ignore the law

Posted on May 19th, 2016

Throughout the winter, I had the pleasure of riding in pre-work group bike rides. This entails many layers of clothing, thick gloves, and lights on both the front and back of our bicycles. One cold morning, while riding up a hill, we passed a car in the dark. The driver was sitting at a green light looking at her phone. As the five of us rode past on our bicycles, we gave her quite a startle.

I will acknowledge that motorists on dark winter mornings do not expect cyclists. As she drove past us further up the hill two things were obvious. First, she was upset and unhappy with our presence and second, she was still busy on her cell phone.

As we crested the hill and rounded the corner, we were pulled over by several local police officers. They immediately began telling us that they had had numerous complaints about us driving in a dangerous fashion. At 47 years old and with almost a decade of serious biking experience, I am both the youngest and least experienced of my group. These are seasoned and enthusiastic cyclists.

We quickly and calmly explained to the police officers that we are allowed to be riding on the roads. The officers countered that it is dangerous for us to be riding in the dark. We again calmly explained that we have lights both on the front and the back and we are allowed to be on the road. The officers seemed to reluctantly acknowledge this. (more…)

Trucking accidents are becoming more dangerous

Posted on May 4th, 2016

An accident with a large transport truck is always extremely dangerous and often results in serious injury or death. Merely being on the road in between two trucks is enough to convince some to stay off the highways. A recent article in the Huffington Post illustrates the growing problem with truck accidents. Titled, “Trucks are Getting More Dangerous and Drivers Are Falling Asleep at the Wheel. Thank Congress: The inside story of how the trucking industry and politicians conspire to make our highways less safe.” The authors demonstrate how Congress has conspired with large shipping companies such as Walmart and Federal Express to lower the safety standards and increase profits at the public’s expense.

The article discusses many fatal trucking accidents where truck drivers were criminally negligent—from the accident that nearly killed actor Tracy Morgan, to one in July 2015 that killed a mother and two small children. And the horror is increasing. Drivers are pushed too hard, driving too long of hours, using stimulants, and exceeding the safety limitations. One cause of these accidents were less checks on drivers and companies to make sure that they followed the rules. There is a trend in the United States Congress that has deregulated the trucking industry, making it easier for drivers to drive for days on time without sufficient breaks. (more…)

When Tax Day means hiring a lawyer

Posted on April 15th, 2016

What is worse than Tax Day? Having to hire a criminal tax lawyer on Tax Day. Generally speaking, the Internal Revenue Service just wants your money. If you are behind or late in paying your taxes, contact the IRS directly and they will work with you. You, of course, will need to pay interest and penalties for being late, but you will not go to jail or face criminal charges.

When do you need a criminal tax lawyer to defend you against the Federal Government and the IRS?

1.  If federal agents show up at your house or business, this is a sure sign that you need a lawyer.  They will attempt to and are allowed to speak with you and solicit admissions. But they will use your words against you in prosecuting you for tax fraud. If federal agents come knocking at your door, hire a lawyer before saying anything. (more…)

Emmett Madden appointed to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

Posted on March 25th, 2016

R. Emmett Madden, Esquire is proud to announce his recent appointment by Chairman Josh Shapiro to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). The PCCD is a group of Pennsylvania’s top experts on criminal justice issues including judges, justices, police chiefs, and heads of many of the most important criminal justice agencies (probation officers, district attorneys and public defenders). The Crime Commission makes recommendations to the governor and legislature regarding important issues facing all citizens.

Topics currently being reviewed or discussed by the PCCD:

1. Body Worn Cameras (BWC’s) for Law Enforcement.

The Commission is studying the use of BWC’s by law enforcement and making recommendations about when these videos should be given to defense attorneys and defendants.  Some questions include: When, if ever, can these videos be released to the public? And do such cameras and videos coincide with Pennsylvania’s relatively strict privacy laws? The Commission hopes to make recommendations for their use statewide. (more…)