Holding Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers Accountable for Overdoses and Deaths

Posted on September 27th, 2024

Philadelphia City Hall at night

Lawyers R. Emmett Madden and Andrew Alston have vast experience with the shortcomings in Pennsylvania’s inpatient Drug Rehab Centers and Medically Supervised Detox Facilities. In earlier stages in their careers, both zealously advocated for the needs of addicted persons when they served as lawyers at the Defender Association/Public Defenders in Philadelphia. Before Emmett became a lawyer, he worked as a social worker, serving people who suffered from addictions. And before Andrew became a lawyer, he served as an Emergency Medical Technician earning hands-on experience saving addicted persons.

When a person overdoses and dies in an inpatient drug rehab center or detox facility, it is because of the failures of the facility. We have seen firsthand that rehab centers and detox facilities too frequently promise quality, safe treatment, and medically supervised detox, but many only provide a sub-standard level of care. Pennsylvania drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and medically supervised detox facilities are regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) that requires the centers to meet standards of care. And even though the facilities have additional standards of care to follow, and are paid to serve their patients, the facilities too frequently cut corners and focus on profit over safety.

This situation is made even more tragic when those responsible for operating the rehab or detox inappropriately blame the addicted person or their families for the death. Drug rehabilitation centers are multimillion dollar businesses who need to be held accountable when they fail their patients and their families. We hold the facilities accountable for their negligence and medical malpractice. Most lawyers lack the knowledge, experience, and passion to prosecute Drug Rehabilitation Centers and Medically Supervised Detox Facilities. We excel at those tasks.

Because there is a two-year time limit to file actions for negligence and/or professional malpractice against these facilities, do not delay contacting us. We can begin our investigation immediately to help bring you answers. And if we find that the facility’s care fell below standards, then we will zealously prosecute the case, seeking all legal relief against all responsible parties and entities. This process, we find, helps families understand what happened, work towards closure, secure monetary relief to provide for surviving family members, and helps prevent future needless deaths from recurring at these facilities.

If your loved one died in an inpatient drug rehab center or a medically supervised detox facility in Pennsylvania, call the team of R. Emmett Madden and Andrew Alston at Fighting for Justice every day.