Who is Liable for a Onewheel Recall Shocker: Know Your Legal Rights in the Face of Future Motion’s Negligence

Posted on May 29th, 2024

Philadelphia City Hall at night

Understanding the Recall

Onewheel electric skateboard

In a shocking turn of events that has sent tremors through the world of personal transportation, Future Motion, the once-celebrated manufacturer of the wildly popular Onewheel electric skateboards, now finds itself at the center of a product recall. This recall, mandated by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), involves a staggering 300,000 units spanning all Onewheel models sold in the United States.

Recall notice

The catalyst for this recall is as disturbing as it is heartbreaking. Numerous reports have emerged of Onewheel skateboards failing to maintain the balance and stability that was once their hallmark. The consequences have been nothing short of catastrophic, with four lives tragically lost between 2019 and 2021, and a litany of severe injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, fractured bones, and torn ligaments, resulting from the device abruptly stopping and forcefully throwing the rider off.

Legal Liability and Your Rights: Can I Sue?

Gavel and scales of justice

If you or a loved one has suffered a devastating injury or the unspeakable pain of losing a loved one due to Future Motion’s negligence, know that you are not alone. The compassionate and relentless advocates at ThePhillyLawyers are here to be your voice, your shield, and your sword in the battle for justice. We will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of the truth, tirelessly working to secure the compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, lost wages, physical agony, emotional anguish, and the incalculable toll this tragedy has taken on your life.

To qualify for a claim, the injury must have resulted from the device malfunctioning and stopping abruptly, causing the rider to be thrown from the device. Please note that injuries sustained from falling off the device during normal use may not qualify. However, if you or a loved one is injured due to the Onewheel electric skateboard malfunctioning, and you suffered a severe injury, Future Motion could be held responsible.

Talk to an Attorney

It is time for Future Motion to be held accountable for their actions. By taking legal action, you are not only fighting for your own rights but also sending a powerful message that corporate negligence will not be tolerated.

Because Future Motion has its own team of attorneys, you should consider getting your own legal professional if you or a loved one has been injured by a Onewheel. Don’t underestimate how savvy Future Motion is. They’ve been in the liability game for a long time, and they have lawyers either on staff or on retainer. These lawyers are responsible for providing legal advice on a wide range of issues that the company may face — including litigation when a customer gets injured by their product. To effectively navigate this complex legal landscape, it’s crucial to have your own experienced legal professional on your side.

The battle-tested legal team at ThePhillyLawyers is prepared to be your unwavering ally, tireless advocate, and guide through this challenging journey. We will fight to ensure the truth is brought to light, justice is served, the voices of the victims are heard loud and clear, and the scales of justice are balanced so no one else falls victim to the Onewheel’s broken promises.

The road ahead may be long and arduous, but with ThePhillyLawyers by your side, you can rest assured that your rights will be fiercely defended, and your voice will be heard. If you or a loved one has been affected by the Onewheel recall, contact us at (215) 884-9300 for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn more about your legal options.