Are you prepared for a car accident?

Posted on March 1st, 2023

Car accident - emergency vehicles on Philadelphia street

On average, every year there are 6 million car accidents in the United States. (About 16,500 accidents every day). And out of these, approximately 3 million people are injured every year. In fact, the NHTSA reports that the average driver in the United States will be involved in 3 to 4 crashes in their lifetime.

Apart from obvious preventative measures—such as wearing a seatbelt, not driving under the influence, not texting while driving, not speeding, and obeying the traffic laws—there are some other important areas that are worth considering:

Does the type of car insurance coverage that I have really matter?

Yes. Car insurance policies and companies vary widely. Some policies—even though they satisfy the minimum insurance requirements in Pennsylvania—are grossly insufficient. And some companies—even when it is your own insurance company who had a duty to treat you in good faith—can be very difficult to deal with when you are in an accident.

You should not select a policy just based on the price of the policy. Rather, you need to select a policy based on what coverage the policy actually provides.

Unfortunately, what many injured individuals have found out, too late, is that the lowest priced policies often provide inadequate insurance coverage for the extent of the car accident injuries that occurred. A cheap policy may really have insufficient coverage, which may put you, or your loved ones, is a bad position following a car accident.

Often, the price difference between a policy that provides sufficient coverage versus a policy that is grossly insufficient is not even a big price difference in the premiums. You can get significantly more coverage by paying a little more and by selecting the right policy. This is the pay now and save later approach.

We have found that most people who select inadequate policies have done so not because of the price difference, but because they just did not know any better. They fell for the aggressive insurance companies’ marketing of how much they can save you on car insurance. But you get what you pay for, so that less expensive policy in the short-term may end up costing you much more in the long-term when the coverage is insufficient.

Below, we discuss more details about car insurance coverage so that you will understand key concepts.

What is the difference between Full Tort versus Limited Tort insurance coverage?

In Pennsylvania, if you selected limited tort, you pay a lower premium for your insurance. But with limited tort coverage, you may only recover money for your pain and suffering if you have sustained what the law defines as a “serious bodily injury.” A serious bodily injury is generally considered to be a life-changing, permanent injury.

If you choose limited tort and are unsure if you have sufficient injuries, you should consult an attorney.

In Pennsylvania, drivers pay a higher premium for full tort insurance coverage. But with full tort coverage, you have better coverage, and you may recover money for your pain and suffering.

If you select full tort coverage, you will have a much better policy that will protect you more. Unfortunately, insurance companies rarely explain coverage options.

What does Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) insurance coverage mean?

This is one of the most important, and most overlooked, insurance decisions an individual needs to make. Without uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, if you are seriously injured by a negligent underinsured, or uninsured, motorist, you risk receiving nothing.

UM/UIM coverage protects you from other drivers who either have no insurance coverage or who have a policy limit that is too low to cover the cost of your injuries.

Please check your policy to ensure that you have selected that your policy includes these important UM/UIM coverage options.

Again, unfortunately, insurance companies rarely explain coverage options. If you would like to talk to an experienced personal injury attorney about your insurance options to make sure your auto insurance includes good coverage, please call us at ThePhillyLawyers.

What should I do if I get into a car accident?

There are several things you can do to protect yourself if you are in a car accident. If you are able:

1. Call the police.

2. Never admit fault.

3. Get all the following information from the other driver: driver’s name and address, owner of the car, license plate number, and insurance information.

4. Take pictures of all the cars, the damage, and the surrounding area—including the street, any skid marks, and any signs or obstructions.

5. Promptly seek medical treatment at the hospital or doctor.

6. Inform your doctor of all your pain and injuries; provide as many details as you can.

7. If your pain continues or increases, keep your doctor updated and informed.

8. Follow up on all treatment recommendations.

9. Call us immediately at 215-884-9300, even while at the accident scene, and we will help you further.

Do I need a lawyer after my car accident?

After a car accident, here are some of the many reasons why having a lawyer is in your best interests:

Insurance companies are large, profitable businesses who train their adjusters to save the company money. Other parties’ insurers often use tactics designed to avoid or deny that their insured driver was actually at fault. They will pressure you to accept fault. They will even try to get a recorded interview from you. You need a lawyer who preserves your rights. You need a lawyer to help you with your own insurance company and to protect you from the other parties’ insurers.

In many accidents, there is often a question of who was at fault. For these disputed liability cases, you need an experienced lawyer who can investigate the issues, who can resolve liability questions, and who has the experience and willingness to take cases to trial.

After an accident, pain and suffering frequently worsens. The effect on your life, your work, and your family can be life-altering. The right personal injury lawyer will ensure that these real life-impacts are considered and valued at settlement discussions and at trial.

Also, the laws and billing practices in Pennsylvania regarding payment for medical treatment can be confusing for people. A car accident attorney can help ensure that your medical bills get paid in by the right parties. Without a lawyer, your bills may go unpaid and become your responsibility.

Additionally, as part of your personal injury claim, the right lawyer for your claim will also look at your future medical expenses, past and future lost wages, and property damage. Because the rules are confusing and insurance companies are often unhelpful, you will need an experienced lawyer to guide you through the process.

After an accident, you will receive many phone calls—the person who hit you, their insurance company, the hospital, the doctors, your insurance company, and more. With a personal injury lawyer, you will have help with all of this. Because we become your representative to handle those calls and inform those parties of what they need to know, ThePhillyLawyers lowers your stress level. That gives you the time and energy to focus on your healing. Call us today at 215-884-9300 and we will be glad to answer your questions. For additional information, please view our car accident page.